
Offshore wind turbine can provide energy for desalination

Converting seawater into drinkable water demands a huge amount of energy. As a result, this solution is not necessarily suitable in every situation. However, by combining a desalination plant with a wind turbine, the process can become economically and environmentally viable.

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2 possible scenarios

To desalinate seawater in the most sustainable way possible, using sustainable energy is a must. In 2019, De Watergroep carried out a study into the use of wind turbines to provide energy for the desalination process. Louise Vanysacker, Head of Research and Development, talks us through: “We studied 2 possible scenarios for the use of wind turbines. In the first scenario, the desalination plant was directly connected to an offshore wind turbine, and in the second, it was connected to an onshore wind farm. The first option proved to be the cheapest, as the energy generated is used immediately. Transferring the energy generated by the turbine to a grid first gives rise to additional transport costs, which makes drinking water more expensive. We also looked at the optimal buffer capacity.”

Long term

In a second phase, the project explored how traditional desalination methods could be made more environmentally friendly. Electrodialysis was one of the options considered: this electrochemical process uses an electric field and membrane technology to separate saltwater into freshwater and concentrated brine. “In a future phase, we’d like to build a test installation”, Louise Vanysacker says. “In the short term, we won’t need to rely on desalination to be able to supply enough water, but it’s likely that we will need to fall back on this technology in the long term. By having a wind turbine provide energy to the desalination plant, we are keeping the process sustainable and affordable.” De Watergroep carried out this study in partnership with VITO/EnergyVille, Pollet Water Group, Ghent University and Blue Power Synergy, with support from the Blue Cluster and Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship. 

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