Buffer basin

New business park collects rainwater in buffer basin

De Watergroep will be gathering, treating and reusing rainwater at the new Keiberg-Vossem business park in Tervuren — an approach that will reduce both flooding and water scarcity.

The Keiberg-Vossem business park covers around eight hectares and is being developed by Interleuven for the municipality of Tervuren. Just over half of the site will be tarmacked, meaning rainwater will struggle to seep into the soil. Due to the incline of the site, heavy rainfall could also cause flooding issues in nearby residential areas. To reduce any future flooding, De Watergroep will be collecting at least 36,000 cubic metres of rainwater to be stored underground.

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Innovative concept

“The rainwater is collected in a central ‘amphithewater’; a watertight buffer basin that also doubles up as a green leisure space”, Head of Business Development Ortwin Deroo explains. “Once the basin has collected enough water, it will be almost completely emptied, and the water will be treated. Next, it will be made available to the businesses on the site via a secondary ‘housekeeping grid’ that supplies water for cleaning and other activities. This will enable the businesses to reduce their normal water consumption by around a third. Treated rainwater that is not immediately used will be stored underground. The eventual result is that wet periods will no longer lead to flooding, and dry periods will no longer lead to water scarcity.”

Changing the rules

The technical installations needed to collect and treat the water will be set up in a building near the entrance to the business park. In consultation with the municipality of Tervuren, Interleuven will specify the necessary terms and conditions for prospective businesses to ensure they do not install their own rainwater tanks, but request a connection to the housekeeping grid instead. De Watergroep will take care of the maintenance of the installation and will supply water of higher quality than any rainwater the businesses treat themselves. The first businesses are set to move in to the new business park from 2020 onward.

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