Water in Londerzeel

Londerzeel water production centre back in service

The Koevoet water production centre in Londerzeel was taken out of service for a few years to allow modification and renovation works to take place. Production at the site restarted in 2019.

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Necessary modification

The Koevoet water production centre dates back to 1978, and an update had been due for some time. The installation was outdated, and its operation was highly labour-intensive. Following a comprehensive study, a suitable water treatment plant was designed. To enable De Watergroep to carry out the necessary modification and renovation works, the production centre was closed for a number of years.

Biological water treatment

“The new water treatment plant consists of a biological deferrisation installation followed by a biological demanganisation process”, Water Treatment process engineer Dirk Bloemen explains. “Both processes are performed with the aid of good bacteria: Gallionella can remove iron, while Leptothrix oxidises manganese. By providing an optimal living environment for these bacteria, we’re enabling them to thrive.” Following its renovation, the installation was put back into service in the first half of 2019. It reached its intended production flow of 200 cubic metres per hour by the end of June.

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