Sludge dewatering De Gavers

New sludge dewatering plant at De Gavers water production centre

A new sludge dewatering plant was installed at the De Gavers water production centre in Harelbeke in 2019. This plant compresses watery sludge into solid sludge, which is easier to transport.

introductie foto New sludge dewatering plant at De Gavers water production centre


De Watergroep provides 70 percent of the drinking water supply in the province of West Flanders. 8 water production centres for both surface water and groundwater are located across the province. At the De Gavers water production centre, we turn water from the river Scheldt — brought to us via the Bossuit-Kortrijk canal — into drinking water. In 2019, we tested and commissioned a new screw-press-based sludge dewatering plant at this site. This installation needs less maintenance and is also more sustainable, as fewer chemicals are required to process the sludge. The screw press turns watery sludge into solid sludge, which is much easier and cheaper to transport.

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