De Watergroep joins Smart Water Networks Forum

In 2019, De Watergroep joined Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN), an organisation striving for a ‘smart’ water sector.

De Watergroep is a leader when it comers to technological innovation, and we want to keep things that way. For that reason, we joined SWAN, the most important global hub for the ‘smart’ water sector, in 2019. “Through these partnerships, we are strengthening our commitment to data-driven solutions to make our production and distribution chain more effective and sustainable”, Innovation Director Bert De Winter says. “The forum enables us to exchange experiences, share technologies, discover new products and suppliers, and much more. Around 140 members from across the world have joined SWAN so far, 22 of which are from Europe. We regularly meet to discuss solutions to specific water problems, mainly in relation to climate change. In regions such as Australia or California, water companies have much more experience in dealing with drought and guaranteeing a water supply. On top of that, our local regulators are important partners too: to be able to gather relevant data, minor regulatory adjustments are often required. Consequently, consultation is crucial in that regard too.”

introductie foto De Watergroep joins Smart Water Networks Forum

SWAN is a non-profit organisation that brings together major players from the industrial and utility sectors. By encouraging more cooperation, the initiators are seeking to accelerate the use of data-driven solution in water and waste water grids.

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