Internet of Water Flanders

Smarter water management through Internet of Water

Under Internet of Water, 6 partners are joining forces under to install 2,500 sensors in Flemish waterways. This network will enable us to monitor water quality in real time.

Internet of Water is an initiative of the IMEC research centre, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Flanders Environment Agency (VMM), Aquafin, Flanders Knowledge Centre Water (Vlakwa) and De Watergroep. Together, these partners will be installing no fewer than 2,500 sensors in Flemish waterways. “These sensors are constantly passing real-time information to machine-learning software. In time, this software will be able to make realistic water quality predictions”, De Watergroep’s Research and Development programme manager Nele Philips says. “That way, it will become possible to monitor the salinisation of surface water more quickly, or to map the effect of an overflow when a mixed sewage system floods. In winter 2019, we installed a test network containing a dozen sensors in West Flanders. We have also started developing the necessary IT infrastructure. We are aiming for 500 sensors by 2021, and we intend to create a network of 2,500 sensors by 2023.”

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