Cleaning river water

Cleaning river water

Voor aardappelfabrikant Agristo zet de business unit Industrie en Services een bijzondere waterbron in: rivierwater van de Leie. Maar ook buiten de landsgrenzen staan projecten op stapel.

introductie foto Cleaning river water

Potato producer Agristo expands water plant

Agristo produces frozen potato products for supermarkets and wholesalers. For its site in Wielsbeke, the company decided to use a special source of water: the river Lys.

It goes without saying that washing and blanching tons and tons of potatoes requires a significant amount of water. De Watergroep is supplying Agristo with that water, which the latter uses directly in its production process. “We take water from the river Lys and treat it until it reaches the required quality. This greatly reduces our reliance on groundwater and water softening salts”, Head of Industry and Services Frank De Poortere explains.


In 2018, Agristo set aside a section of its site in Wielsbeke to install the new water plant. Frank De Poortere: “Based on raw water from the Lys, we use this site to produce customised water for washing, peeling, cutting and blanching potatoes. The steam used in the production process also requires a large amount of water. De Watergroep is taking care of the supply and treatment of this process water and will operate the installation for the first ten years. We got off to the perfect start in 2019: capacity was increased by 20 percent.”


New water production centre for Commewijne

In the Surinamese district of Commewijne, De Watergroep is building a water production centre set to provide drinking water to 60,000 inhabitants. Production at the centre is based on surface water from the Suriname river.

With this development, De Watergroep becomes the first Flemish drinking water company to build a high-tech installation of this size abroad. “The future water production centre is located in the district of Commewijne, on the right bank of the Suriname river. There is barely any public water supply in this area at present”, Head of Industry and Services Frank De Poortere says. “Surface water from the Suriname river will be treated using ultrafiltration, active carbon filtration and reverse osmosis. The water production centre will have a capacity of 500 cubic metres per hour and will supply around 60,000 people in Commewijne with mains water.” The construction of the water production centre started to 2018 and will continue into 2020. Once everything is ready, De Watergroep will start treating water together with a selection of local partners.

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