Organic compounds

A DOC2C’s study has proven that every type of water requires a different treatment strategy

For 4 years, De Watergroep was part of DOC2C’s consortium in which drinking water companies from four European countries collaborated on research into the removal of organic compounds from surface water.

introductie foto A DOC2C’s study has proven that every type of water requires a different treatment strategy

Removing organic compounds

Strictly speaking, there are no standards on the amount of organic compounds drinking water is allowed to contain. Regardless, they must be removed: not only because they give water a yellow tint, but mainly because they make disinfection processes less efficient and can cause issues in the distribution grid. Under Interreg’s DOC2C’s consortium, De Watergroep, the Dutch drinking water company PWN Technologies, the British company South West Water, Delft University of technology and University of Lille researched innovative technologies to remove organic compounds from surface water.


Ion exchange

De Watergroep built an industrial test installation at its water production centre in De Blankaart with two water treatment options: ion exchange and flocculation. “In flocculation, we add chemical substances to the water which attach to pollutants. The floating flakes created by these bonds are then scooped off the surface. In ion exchange, we use small resin beads to remove dissolved substances with a charge — ions — from the water”, Process Technology researcher Klaas Schoutetten explains. “By carrying out ion exchange before flocculation, we sought to reduce the amount of chemicals needed for flocculation while removing more organic compounds. The tests showed that the installation at De Blankaart only achieved limited returns. However, we did achieve promising results at the Kluizen water production centre, where we had already tested this principle on a smaller scale. As such, we have decided to continue the experiment at De Blankaart. De Watergroep’s DOC2C’s project lasted four years and was completed at the end of 2019.”

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