8 out of 10

Customers score De Watergroep 8 out of 10 on average

At the start of 2019, De Watergroep’s Marketing division organised a satisfaction survey among 2,000 of the company’s customers. On water quality and availability in particular, our customers rated us very highly. The survey revealed that the main point for improvement was water hardness. 

introductie foto Customers score De Watergroep 8 out of 10 on average

A focus on customers has become an explicit objective for the first time in De Watergroep’s new organisational structure. To measure this objective, the Marketing division set up a customer satisfaction survey. In December 2018 and January 2019, we organised a large poll among 2,000 of De Watergroep’s customers. On average, our customers scored us a fantastic 8 out of 10. Those aged sixty and over are particularly fond of drinking tap water — and they drink a lot of it.

Points for improvement

The survey also revealed a few areas in which we can do better. The most important of these are:

  • Water hardness. “Our customers are happy with the quality of our water, but less so with the amount of lime in our water”, Head of Marketing Stefanie Goethals clarifies. “People often think that hard water is unsafe. That’s not quite right: tap water is safe, healthy and cheap; something we’re trying to make people aware of through campaigns such as #ikdrinkkraanwater [#idrinktapwater]. However, it is true that hard water affects taps and appliances that use water. To tackle this problem, we’ll be adding central water softening systems to lots of our installations over the coming years.”
  • The price-quality ratio of tap water. “At a rate of half a eurocent per litre, tap water is a lot cheaper than bottled water”, according to Stefanie Goethals. “People think their water bills are high, but they often don’t realise just how much water they are consuming while cooking and showering, for example. In this area too, we’re raising awareness.”
  • Communication remains a point for improvement as well. Being able to reach De Watergroep easily and not having to search for too long to find the right information is important to people. “In that area too, we’ve already taken concrete steps”, Stefanie Goethals says.

Tap water? Why (not)?

Who is drinking tap water?

Our clients prefer drinking:

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