
Water-Land-Schap project seeks to improve water quality

Good water quality is essential for clean drinking water. One of the things the Water-Land-Schap [Water-Land-Scape] project is looking at is improving water quality in the extraction area for the Dikkebus and Zillebeke water production centres. 

introductie foto Water-Land-Schap project seeks to improve water quality

Resolve water issues in rural areas

Water-Land-Schap is a programme set up by 8 Flemish partners, including the Flemish Land Agency (VLM), Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and Flanders Knowledge Centre Water (Vlakwa). De Watergroep is also participating in the programme. The programme is seeking to resolve water issues in rural areas in close cooperation with the users of those areas, such as farmers, businesses, residents and landscape managers.

Source protection

“One of the fourteen specific projects set up as part of Water-Land-Schap seeks to improve water quality in the extraction area for the Dikkebus and Zillebeke water production centres”, Head of Water Sources and Environment Tom Diez explains. “Through this project, we are trying to prevent crop protection products from entering the water by offering suitable measures to farmers. For example, we’re exploring whether farmers could sow wide buffer strips next to their fields, and whether it’s possible to offer them financial compensation to do so. De Watergroep is supporting the project as the main focus of our efforts is source protection, ahead of water treatment. This approach is more sustainable and cost effective in the long term.”

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