Access to water

Access to water

In the second half of 2019, De Watergroep started installing 800 free drinking water dispensers across the municipalities in its catchment area. The first of these dispensers was inaugurated at the Gemeentelijke Basisschool in Kapelle-op-den-Bos. The project will be rolled out further across 2020.

introductie foto Access to water

#ikdrinkkraanwater [#idrinktapwater]

Tap water is a top-quality product that is available at any time of day. It’s good for the environment too, as it doesn’t need any packaging or transport. That’s why De Watergroep and other Flemish drinking water companies are throwing their weight behind the #ikdrinkkraanwater [#idrinktapwater] campaign. “By donating 800 free drinking water dispensers on top of that, we want to persuade even more people about the benefits of tap water”, Hans Goossens, De Watergroep’s Director General, states. “We have set aside a budget of 3.6 million euros for this project.”

Refilling water bottles

The first free drinking water dispenser of many was installed at the Gemeentelijke Basisschool in Kapelle-op-den-Bos, which was also the first municipality to sign De Watergroep’s tap water charter. All schools and public buildings in the municipality are opting for tap water wherever they can. “We believe it is important for children to drink enough water, and for them to be able to refill their own water bottles. Tap water is cheaper than bottled water and better for the environment”, acting head teacher Inge Hermans said at the inauguration of the dispenser. Aside from installation, De Watergroep is also providing a maintenance contract to ensure the operation and water quality of the dispenser are guaranteed all times.

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