Youngest customers

New water website for kids between 6 and 14

De Watergroep’s new website for kids introduces our younger customers to the drinking water production process in a playful way.

In 2019, De Watergroep revamped its water website for children and teenagers between 6 and 14 years of age. “The website is best viewed as a ‘place of discovery’. Together with Sam and her dog Flapstaart, kids get to explore the watery world of Arcadia. On their journey, they are introduced to all aspects of drinking water production and distribution, all the way to the removal and treatment of waste water”, Communications expert Judith De Kerpel explains. “We really made the most of gamification: at the end of every scene, we added a little game. Our eventual aim is to make children realise that tap water is a sustainable and high-quality product. It’s never too early to acquire the right habits!” If you fancy having a look, you can enter Arcadia via The website adds a fun extra element to De Watergroep’s existing learning platform.

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